Autumn in the Eng

Dr. Martina Melzer, 10/03/24



They had forecast intermediate highs and snow up to 1500 meters the night before. But for a Sunday. Sunday of all days. At the beginning of October, half of Munich, Upper Bavaria and Tyrol travel to the Großer Ahornboden in the Karwendel mountains, to “die Eng”. It's all about the maple trees, which often turn golden or rusty brown. Behind them are mountains like in the Rocky Mountains. A real natural spectacle. Supposedly the most beautiful place in Tyrol. But therefore also completely overcrowded.

As bad weather was forecast before and after this Sunday, I decided to go anyway. Even on the outward journey, there was fog and light everywhere, wispy clouds, snow on the mountains, partly discolored trees, the lakes still. I could have stopped anywhere. But the more time I let pass, the sooner I would be driving in a caravan towards Ahornboden - with cars, vintage cars, campers, coaches, motorcyclists, mountain bikers and e-bikers.

Berge spiegeln sich in See, Sylvensteinsee im Herbst
Wildfluss, Stromschnellen, Fluss vor Bergen im Herbst, Rissbach, Karwendelgebirge

So I only stopped briefly at the Sylvenstein reservoir. Snapped a few pictures. And hurried back to the car. The traffic was limited, I was early enough and many people parked in the hikers' parking lots. I had to stop again at Rissbach. There was no other way. It's one of my favorite places. It's hard to part with it again. But the maple trees are waiting, it's clearing up completely, the freshly snow-covered rock faces are glowing.

Berge spiegeln sich in Tümpel, Morgenlicht, Herbst, Großer Ahornboden, Karwendelgebirge

After the last bend, the view into the Eng. Wow. Madness. Just like the first time. I almost drive into the ditch again from sheer amazement. I discover a small pond that I've never seen before. Must be all the rain in the last few days. The rock faces are reflected in the water. A dream. Of course, several cars stop behind me to take the same picture. That's how it is here, in the Eng.

When I arrive at the parking lot, which is the size of a soccer pitch, I get a spot right at the front - not much going on here yet. The first subjects immediately fall at my feet. And although I had actually planned to take it easy and enjoy the scenery, I fall back into the photography craze. Here rapids with maple leaves, there a discolored tree in front of the Spritzkarspitze, sunstar with a maple tree, the alpine huts of the Engalm. Intoxicated, I take this photo and that shot.

After three hours I'm done. In the farm store I buy bread, smoked sausages, chocolate and a souvenir mug (I couldn't resist). It cost almost 50 euros. But I wanted to afford it. On the way to the car, the last shot: the old gnarled tree that every photographer takes, a brief exchange with other photographers who seem just as hectic as me. Then back into the car. The soccer pitch is now well filled. People are already waiting for me to park faster, honking, gesticulating for me to give way. Then it's back again, against the flow. I have to treat myself to a proper snack and a big slice of cake at the end of the valley in a hut next to the now completely overcrowded road into the Eng.

It was nice.

Translated with DeepL